Németh, Ágnes - Obituaries | Funeral Home Ottawa
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Németh, Ágnes


1933 - 2024

Nemeth Agnes 
January 14, 1933-March 6, 2024
It is with sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of Ágnes at Greystone Transitional Care, Ottawa. 
Born in Szigetvár, Hungary, Ágnes was a devoted daughter and excelled in all things scholarly, eventually receiving her degree in engineering. 
In 1956, during the Hungarian revolution, Ágnes and her husband Róbert Bricht arrived in Montreal, Canada, to begin their new life and later moved to Ottawa. 
Once retired, Ágnes returned to university to study English literature and obtained a Bachelor of Arts with highest honors from Carleton University. She later authored five books under the name of Agnes Nemeth Bright. Ágnes cared fondly for her dogs and cats and was always thinking of the next manuscript. She was a perpetual intellectual and philosopher of life.
Ágnes is predeceased by her husband; Robert Bricht. She leaves behind her beloved goddaughter; Éva Varsányi, friends and neighbors. 
A heartfelt thanks to the 5th floor staff, along with Dr Fung and Karen Tuck at Greystone Transitional Care, Ottawa for the wonderful care provided to Ágnes.
Donations in her name may be made to the Humane Society of Ottawa. 

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condoglianze Eva, ho capito adesso che la tua madrina è andata oltre la porta

Gabriella , March 16, 2024