Perrier, Lucie - Obituaries | Funeral Home Ottawa
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Perrier, Lucie


1956 - 2023

November 28, 1956 – November 9, 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the news of Lucie's passing at the Renfrew Hospice on November 9 th, 2023, after a brave and courageous battle with cancer. Lucie was pre-deceased by her life-long partner Kim Tysick, her parents René Perrier and Jeannine Séguin as well as her older brother Daniel and younger sister Marie-Jeanne. She also leaves behind her siblings Lina (Brian), Diane, Pierre (Suzanne) and René as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Lucie was a long-time employee of the federal public service and served as councilor for the township of Greater Madawaska. She was also an avid sports fan and excelled in all the ones she played.

We would like to thank all the doctors and nurses who cared for her during this difficult time. A special thank you also goes out to the nurses, employees and volunteers of the Renfrew Hospice. They are truly special people.

A gathering will take place  for family and friends  at  The Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa, 419 St. Laurent Blvd., on Tuesday November 28th, 2023 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. In Lucie's memory, donations can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or to a charity of your choice.

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17 messages received

The Perrier Family

My condolences on Lucie's passing.

Enjoyed many years of sports with Lucie, playing Broomball/Ringette/Ball Hockey, she was a great team mate and friend

Lucie will be missed by all who knew her.


Shamrock A Franey, November 14, 2023

René Perrier and Family


Though I never met Lucie, I know how special she was from all the stories you've told me!
Angela and I send our deepest condolences.


Hilly Ness, November 14, 2023

Ray and Family

Lucie was a force of nature. We will miss her unique outfits and spiffy shoes. Only Lucie would sign up for a music jam session on a vacation and end up making preserves! I am sure there are many parties being had upstairs! Our thoughts and prayers are with you Ray. We will definitely miss her larger than life personality.
From the Renfrew Oncology Girls

Elizabeth M Stewart, November 15, 2023

Rene Perrier

I got to know Lucie during the pandemic - of all times - and we developed a routine of early morning check-in calls to make sure we were surviving the crisis and continued even after the pandemic was over. I admired her joie de vivre, her enjoyment of children of all ages and her support of local entrepreneurs - community was of prime importance to her. My sincere condolences to all her family.

Evelyn Miller, November 15, 2023

Lucie’s Family

Deepest condolences from your friends on
Fogo Island
Aubrey & Marie Payne

Marie Payne , November 15, 2023


Bob and I are sorry for your loss. We have enjoyed fun times with Lucie over the last few years. Our Covid year round campfires were the best.

Susan Lomas, November 15, 2023

René and Family

Mes sincères condoléances René et à toute la famille. Mes pensées vous accompagnent en ce moment difficile.


France Dubé, November 16, 2023

Ray and family

What a beautiful legacy lucie left us with. All of our memories are happy, joyful and lots of laughter. So many sleepovers eating coconut popcorn and watching a great movie. Lucie was always very generous and encouraging to others. She will be greatly missed. Lucie give Kim a hug from us. With all our love.

Suzanne and Ronnie Empey, November 16, 2023

Lucie Perrier

My condolences to the Perrier family and Lucie's partner.
Although I have not seen Lucie in a long time it seems like yesterday that we were o the ice playing broomball, ringette and hockey. Rest 8n peace. MJ (Mary Wilkie-Blanchard)

Mary Wilkie-Blanchard, November 18, 2023

Perrier family

Lucie was such an amazing presence. We will cherish the fond memories we have of her. Our sincere sympathies to her wonderful family.

Steph and Steve

Steph, November 19, 2023

Lucie's Family

Lucie was a ray of sunshine and an incredible force of nature. I met Lucie during our time volunteering for the Women's Voices Festival. She was such a doer, always supporting, always helping, and had an amazing ability to gather people together to get things done. More recently we worked together on her latest website, she was teaching children financial management, of course she was! She will be greatly missed, and always adored.

Deepest condolences to the Perrier family,
Wendy & Isabelle

Wendy Denley, November 22, 2023

Ray & family

Ray, it's been tough to find words but I want to express my condolences to you, Pete, "the kids" as she affectionately called them, and all the family. Lucie's incredible strength of character, will be missed. She stood up for the vulnerable, spoke her mind, even when unpopular, and brought talented people together, to work for a greater good. I will miss her sense of humor, her friendship and her feisty ways. She was someone you could count on, who stood her ground. She was mightier than her size. A really special person who bravely navigated the medical system, for Kim, and later for herself. What a champion. She will be missed. Rest peacefully, Luce.

Christine Miller, November 23, 2023

Ray & Lucie's Family

My decades-long friendship with Lucie involved music, sports, board work, fund raising, social time, spiritual pursuits and well, friendship.

No matter what cause or interest Lucie pursued, it was with passion, and commitment. She was most passionate about the people she loved and she loved many. Her devotion to you Ray and to MJ's children was unwavering and unprecedented. She gave with her all! I am sorry for your loss.

I had hoped her strength of will applied in her personal and professional life, her drive to overcome all challenges or obstacles which she did so remarkably, she could do for herself with her illness. What a force she was.

Although she did not succeed with this final challenge, she managed to leave an imprint that I will carry with me always.

A la prochain my friend.


Liane Craig, November 26, 2023

The Perrier Family

My sincerest condolences to all of the Perrier family. Lucie was a true fixture in the Greater Madawaska and specifically the Calabogie area as Councillor. She was a force and had energy to tackle the tough decisions with integrity.


Jeff Levesque, Councillor, Greater Madawaska, November 27, 2023

Ray, Pete(Sue), Lina (Brian) Dianne and boys, Angelique and your brother's

It is with tremendous sadness. I write these words . Lucie , the “Perrier” matriarch has ascended to the heavens above. Lucie always put her family first. When it came time that her parents could no longer look after themselves , who was there but Lucie. With the unexpected sudden loss of her younger sister, Mary Jane, who Lucie loved dearly, Lucie stood strong and took charge of all the necessary undertakings.
When her loving partner Kim fell ill, Lucie was right beside her doing everything possible to make Kim comfortable from beginning to end.
Then, it was Lucie who fell ill. Through all the hardship in her life, even throughout her own sickness, Lucie NEVER wavered with her strength; determination; commitments; responsibilities ; devotion to those in need and family; generosity; her detailed work ethic, all while keeping her sense of humour and most of all, having fun.

I loved and was loved by this extraordinary human being for 25 years and was fortunate enough to experience another 25 years of her wit, grit generosity and devotion to life and all that comes with living. Although small she was a “fireball “. One couldn’t help but be inspired by her tenacity . A beacon of life!
I feel blessed to have had Lucie in my life for 50 years.
Your work is done here Lucie, may you rest in Peace.

Trudy xxxxxoooo

Trudy Chamberlain , November 28, 2023

Ray Perrier

She lived a very full life and endeavoured to get others to do the same. She’ll always be in our thoughts.

Chuck & Kim Rigelhof, November 28, 2023


We had many conversations that will always be with me… you were one special woman!


Michelle Reis-amores, June 17, 2024

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The Canadian Cancer Society Make a donation
Canadian Cancer Society Make a donation