Chabot, Marilyn Ann - Obituaries | Funeral Home Ottawa
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Chabot, Marilyn Ann

CHABOT, Marilyn Ann

1951 - 2023

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Marilyn Ann Chabot on June 2, 2023, a daughter of William and Marion (Miller) Chabot, both deceased. Marilyn was predeceased by her sister Cindy (Cynthia). She is survived by her spouse, Cedric Pearson , Doug McBane, her cousin and his wife Karen, Cathy Hopkins and her family and her friend Sharon Villeneuve. Her close neighbours, the Stockdale, Sullivan and Wilson families will remember Marilyn as a second mom to their six children. Marilyn will also be remembered by those she touched with her volunteer work, all the young children in the reading activities at public school and the residents and staff at the Starwood Long Term Care Residence, as well as the many persons in the community she helped.

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Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

Marilyn and I were friends for 35 years. I met her through Cindy who was one of my closest friends. After her passing, Marilyn and I became very close friends as well as Bill and Marion, her parents. Marilyn and I travelled down east together, we camped together, did rollerblading on the driveway. Shared many meals with each other. I took her to appointments through her first bout of cancer. Over the past few years, due to Covid and the fact Marilyn found other interests, I didn’t see much of her which was unfortunate. Thank you Doug for your kindness. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be looking for her on her walks.

Deepest condolences to you and Karen. If I can be of any assistance, you have my number.


Marge Beaudry, June 18, 2023

Doug McBane

I met Marilyn and her sister Cindy through my sister Margery (Marge) many years go. After Cindy passed away, we became a threesome and spent most Saturdays together shopping and having dinner together. We did lots of road trips with Marilyn driving as she didn’t like being the passenger. Over the years, Marilyn became like a member of our large family as she met everyone at one time or another. She attended our Christmas girls’ dinners every year at which we exchanged gifts and had a great time. Due to Covid and her illnesses, which she preferred to deal with privately, we didn’t see much of her over the past few years and her death was a complete shock that stunned our family. She lived life on her own terms, and met her death the same way. We will remember her kindness and generosity and hope she’s at peace.

Shirley Dunn, June 19, 2023

Doug McBane

I met Marilyn and her sister Cindy through my sister Margery (Marge) many years go. After Cindy passed away, we became a threesome and spent most Saturdays together shopping and having dinner together. We did lots of road trips with Marilyn driving as she didn’t like being the passenger. Over the years, Marilyn became like a member of our large family as she met everyone at one time or another. She attended our Christmas girls’ dinners every year at which we exchanged gifts and had a great time. Due to Covid and her illnesses, which she preferred to deal with privately, we didn’t see much of her over the past few years and her death was a complete shock that stunned our family. She lived life on her own terms, and met her death the same way. We will remember her kindness and generosity and hope she’s at peace.

Shirley Dunn, June 19, 2023

Doug McBane

I met Marilyn and her sister Cindy through my sister Margery (Marge) many years go. After Cindy passed away, we became a threesome and spent most Saturdays together shopping and having dinner together. We did lots of road trips with Marilyn driving as she didn’t like being the passenger. Over the years, Marilyn became like a member of our large family as she met everyone at one time or another. She attended our Christmas girls’ dinners every year at which we exchanged gifts and had a great time. Due to Covid and her illnesses, which she preferred to deal with privately, we didn’t see much of her over the past few years and her death was a complete shock that stunned our family. She lived life on her own terms, and met her death the same way. We will remember her kindness and generosity and hope she’s at peace.

Shirley Dunn, June 19, 2023

Doug McBane

I met Marilyn and her sister Cindy through my sister Margery (Marge) many years go. After Cindy passed away, we became a threesome and spent most Saturdays together shopping and having dinner together. We did lots of road trips with Marilyn driving as she didn’t like being the passenger. Over the years, Marilyn became like a member of our large family as she met everyone at one time or another. She attended our Christmas girls’ dinners every year at which we exchanged gifts and had a great time. Due to Covid and her illnesses, which she preferred to deal with privately, we didn’t see much of her over the past few years and her death was a complete shock that stunned our family. She lived life on her own terms, and met her death the same way. We will remember her kindness and generosity and hope she’s at peace.

Shirley Dunn, June 19, 2023

Doug McBane

I met Marilyn and her sister Cindy through my sister Margery (Marge) many years go. After Cindy passed away, we became a threesome and spent most Saturdays together shopping and having dinner together. We did lots of road trips with Marilyn driving as she didn’t like being the passenger. Over the years, Marilyn became like a member of our large family as she met everyone at one time or another. She attended our Christmas girls’ dinners every year at which we exchanged gifts and had a great time. Due to Covid and her illnesses, which she preferred to deal with privately, we didn’t see much of her over the past few years and her death was a complete shock that stunned our family. She lived life on her own terms, and met her death the same way. We will remember her kindness and generosity and hope she’s at peace.

Shirley Dunn, June 19, 2023

La famille de Mme Marilyn Ann

L'Assocition des Chabot souhaite exprimer ses sincères condoléances à la famille de Madame Marilyn Ann Chabot. Nos pensées et nos prières vous accompagnent.

Marie-France Chabot, June 20, 2023

La famille de Marilyn Anne

The Chabot family Association wishes to express her deep regrets and condolences to Mrs Marilyn Ann Chabot's family. Our thught and prayers accompany you.
Marie-France Chabot, vice-president

Marie-France Chabot, June 26, 2023