Compan (nee Garcia), Noris (Ester) - Obituaries | Funeral Home Ottawa
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Compan (nee Garcia), Noris (Ester)

COMPAN (NEE GARCIA), Noris (Ester)

1927 - 2023

Noris (Ester) Compan (nee Garcia)


It is with great sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of Noris on August 17, 2023 at the age of 96 in Ottawa. Noris was born in Camagüey, Cuba. Beloved wife of Esteban Compan, loving mother of Emile Compan (Claudine Rochon).

Ester will be remembered by her brother Anselmo Garcia Serpa, brother-in-law Tony, many cousins, nieces, nephews, friends from many places. Noris was raised in the Canary Islands, Spain, worked in Valencia, Spain; Redding, UK before moving to Montreal, where she met Esteban. She lived in Chateauguay, Pierrefonds, Quebec; Victoria, B.C. before moving to Place Besserer in Orleans, Ontario to be close to her son Emile and daughter-in law Claudine

In keeping with Noris wishes, cremation is taking place, and a family gathering will be held at a later date.

The family wishes to extend special thanks to the Queensway Carleton Hospital (Park Place unit) for looking after her compassionately during her final days.

For anyone wanting to make a donation, this can be done to the Queensway Carleton Hospital, Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County.

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9 messages received

Emile Compan

It has been such a joy and a privilege to know and to chat with your beautiful mother, Ester.
Our hearts, our thoughts and prayers are with your father, Esteban, and you, Emile along with lovely Claudine and the rest of the family at this very sad time. No matter how old our parents are when they leave us, it is always so hard to say goodbye. God bless Ester on the next part of her very well-lived and well-traveled journey.

Rita Beltempo, August 22, 2023

Emile and Claudine

Our deepest condolences for your great loss. She was a wonderful friend to my mom and a constant breath of fresh air to anyone that knew her. She had a great long life surrounded by people who loved her deeply. She will be missed.

Charo Urman, August 22, 2023

Esteban, Emile and Claudine

My heart is heavy that Esther is no longer with us, but I know that her spirit flies free. She was such a special part of my family's life on Canterbury Rd, Victoria. She embraced my daughters, taught them piano, babysat the one that needed her and through her example taught me to relax as a mother and let life be.

Esteban (Papi) you were such a wonderful husband to Esther and she knew that. The best thing that happened to her, next to her loving son Emile. We loved her and I will pass the message of her passing to other Victoria friends.
Margaret and family.

Margaret Varga, August 23, 2023


We only have one mom, and that relationship is special.
Thank you for introducing her to us as brief as it was.
Her spirit and enthusiasm will live long in our hearts and minds.
She'll be there watching over us guiding us all on our journey.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you, your dad and Claudine.
Heart to Heart Hug

Raffael, August 23, 2023

Emilio y Claudine

Mis condolencias para ustedes sus hijos ejemplares y amoroso .
La tía Esther. Una mujer de grandes valores amorosa . Carlos y yo la quisimos mucho fue alguien que me acogió cuando llegue a este país . Con el pasar del tiempo se convirtió como mi madre adoptiva regalándome su amor , cariño , me escuchaba. Tía Esther Mimi como la llamabas nunca te olvidara siempre te llevará en su corazon . Te voy a estranar. Descansa en paz . Y algún día nos volveremos a ver .

Florinda Garlobo ( Mimi), August 23, 2023

Émile Compan

En cette période de souffrance, nous tenons à vous souhaiter, Nathalie et moi, nos plus sincères condoléances. Nos pensées vous accompagnent.

Bon courage.

Patrick Lamotte, August 24, 2023

Claudine and Emil

Sorry for the loss of your mom.

Maryanna lepoutre maclennan, August 24, 2023

Emile Compan

Emile, please accept my deepest condolence regarding your Moms passing. Keep the Love, Fun and Good Times with her close to your heart and as time passes they will provide comfort and she will remain with you in every beautiful sunset and happy thought forever.

With Love Bro - Greg.

Greg. Larose, August 25, 2023

Emile and Claudine

I’m so very sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace with your memories. Sending lots of love and condolences

Lonette maynard , August 25, 2023

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