MacKay, Robin Douglas - Avis de décès | Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa Inc.

MacKay, Robin Douglas

MACKAY, Robin Douglas

1949 - 2023

Robin Douglas MacKay, 19 mars 1949 - 12 février 2023

Robin est décédé à l'hôpital Queensway Carleton après un déclin rapide causé par la maladie de Parkinson. Robin était un mari et un fils aimant et dévoué, et un fier père et grand-père. Ses parents Thomas MacKay et Myrtle MacKay, ainsi que son fils Ian MacKay, l'ont précédé dans la tombe. Il manquera beaucoup à son épouse aimante de 49 ans, Canon Rhondda MacKay, à ses fils Tim, David et Blake MacKay, à ses belles-filles Yi-Ching Chen et Rachel Grasham, à ses petits-enfants Kayla, Jane, Jaren, Tala et Owen MacKay, dont il prenait grand plaisir à s'occuper, à ses cousins, à sa famille élargie et à ses nombreux amis.
Il était réfléchi, compatissant et généreux. Robin insufflait à tout ce qu'il faisait de l'enthousiasme, de la positivité et de l'espoir pour l'avenir.
Robin était diplômé de l'Université Trent et de la faculté de droit de l'Université Queen's. Il a pratiqué le droit à Ottawa de 1978 à 1978. Il a pratiqué le droit à Ottawa de 1978 à décembre 2022, offrant soins et conseils à de nombreux membres de sa communauté. Grâce à son expertise en matière de coopératives d'habitation, il a soutenu de nombreux projets de logements communautaires et sans but lucratif.
Membre actif de l'Église anglicane, Robin a été un soutien constant et dévoué à Rhondda dans son ministère dans diverses paroisses et a été chancelier du diocèse d'Ottawa.
Robin aimait le théâtre, le cinéma, la natation et son groupe d'écriture. Lecteur passionné, il prenait grand plaisir à présenter ses livres préférés aux enfants de sa vie. Il avait un merveilleux sens de l'humour, parfois malicieux, et aimait divertir sa famille et ses amis. Il aimait se promener avec Rhondda dans leurs boisés où il récoltait la sève d'érable et élevait des abeilles.
Les visites auront lieu le vendredi 17 février 2023, de 14 h à 16 h et de 19 h à 21 h, à l'église anglicane Julian of Norwich, 7, avenue Rossland, Ottawa. La célébration de la vie aura lieu le samedi 18 février 2023 à 13 h 30, à l'église. Masques requis.
Au lieu de fleurs, des dons peuvent être faits au Diocèse anglican d'Ottawa, Communauté des ministères, à l'adresse suivante : ; ou au Primates World Relief and Development Fund, à l'adresse suivante :

A link to the livestream can be found on Saturday at

10 messages reçus

Rhondda and the family

I have valued Robin’s friendship since we met 50 years ago at Queen’s. We have treasured his gentleness, his wisdom, his understated sense of humour, and most of all, his quiet faith. Our deepest condolences go out to Rhondda and all the rest of the family that he loved so much. The world is a sadder place without Robin MacKay. Goodbye old friend.

David Stevens and Rita Jackson and the rest of our family. , le 14 février 2023

Robin MacKay family

Robin was a generous and dedicated contributor to our Funeral Cooperative of Ottawa. His presence was reassuring, and so very helpful.
We will miss him.

Jacqueline Pelletier, le 14 février 2023

Robin MacKay family

Robin was a generous and dedicated contributor to our Funeral Cooperative of Ottawa. His presence was reassuring, and so very helpful.
We will miss him.

Jacqueline Pelletier, le 14 février 2023

Rhondda and family

Robin was a kind soul in every way. I have known him for more than 40 years when he helped developed our housing co-op (Alex Laidlaw Housing Co-op) (not as a lawyer but as a potential member), and then became our lawyer and our dear friend. He helped us in so many different personal and professional ways. And I know he helped people and organizations pro bono, that's the type of person he was.I am very sad that he has left us.

Ann Gardner

Rhondda, I wish I could attend the visitation and the funeral but I have Covid.

ann gardner, le 14 février 2023

Family of Robin MacKay

I am very sad to hear that Robin has passed. I worked for him for a couple of years after university, and I am truly glad to have known him. He was funny, kind, patient and much more, with the best sense of humour. He will be very missed. My condolences to the MacKay family, may he rest in peace, amen.

Hadiya Hussein & Matt Read, le 14 février 2023

Cannon Rhondda and Ms Marian Reas

Dear Cannon Rhondda and Marian

I was sorry to hear this sad news. Praying for you and your entire family at this difficult time. May you find strength and comfort to see you through.

RIP Chancellor Robin.

God bless you
Evaline Dianga ( friend of Marian)

Evaline Dianga, le 15 février 2023


I’m so very sorry for your loss. He was a pleasure to work with and chat with at Boxing 4 Health. He will be missed by all the staff here that had the opportunity to work with him. He had a beautiful spirit and was I always so kind and friendly. Gone to soon, May he rest in peace xo Christine Seaby

Christine , le 16 février 2023

The Family

My condolences to the family on losing Robin. I am sorry for your loss. Just a few weeks ago I’d read an email blast from the Funeral Co-op, saying that he was passing the torch to another lawyer, and thought to myself “hey, he’s retiring.” But I see that was not the case.

I liked Robin, as a person and as a lawyer. In fact, Robin was my first lawyer after moving to Ottawa in 1987, when my late husband’ Phil Brown joined the staff of the Ottawa Federation of Housing Co-operatives.

Sorry to say I lost touch, over the years; the last time I “worked “ with him was when as a real estate agent we worked on finding the Funeral Co-op a location to lease and fit-up. He was very generous with his time.

I feel for you, losing him so early. Hopefully you will take comfort in your memories of him.

Joanne Jackson
Jackson-Brown Associates Inc.

Joanne Jackson, le 21 février 2023

Rhondda and family

I was sorry to hear of the passing of Robin. As a Davis cousin, I was always interested and proud of the advocacy work that your family continually participated in. Robin’s and your commitment to the Anglican Church would have made our ancestors very proud. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

Vivian (Wilson) Brown, le 22 février 2023

Mrs. MacKay

I am so sorry for your loss. Robin was a fine gentleman and a professional. He was an asset to this world and made a difference for so many people in our community.

Ginette Bouchard, le 29 février 2024

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