Tombaugh, Preston - Obituaries | Funeral Home Ottawa
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Tombaugh, Preston


1965 - 2024

Preston Tombaugh


Preston Tombaugh, age 59, of Ottawa, Ontario passed away on October 21, 2024 due to the tragedy of pain, drugs and lack of treatment options. He is survived by his beloved daughter, Eden, her partner Zach, her mother Meika, Preston’s  mother Jo, brother Dave with wife Karin, his Uncle Preston and his partner, Katrina.   Preston was a loving, generous, talented, and creative individual.  He loved music and drawing and was a committed guitar player and tattoo artist.  Before being confined to a wheelchair, he was also a gifted athlete. He particularly loved his daughter, Eden, telling her stories, drawing pictures, and participating in her school activities when she was young.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, November 29 at 2PM, First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, 30 Cleary Ave.

For those who wish to make a memorial donation in Preston’s name, please direct it to Orkidstra, an Ottawa charity that empowers kids from low-income families by providing free musical instruments and lessons.

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3 messages received

The family

Preston, may he rest peacefully. Artistic kind and a very proud father. She was his pride and joy. My condolences to the family.

Natasha, November 1, 2024

To All Family Members

I took this one hard. In fact, I'm still trying to process it. I knew Preston as a person quite well, and in many ways shared a lot in common with him. I knew of his struggles but what I admired about him was his good heart. Despite his struggles with addiction, and all this entails, his heart remained good and he was a good person. I think this is what makes it so hard to process for me, because the world needs more good people, not less. If and when there is a ceremony of life I would like to attend, to pay my respects and to celebrate the good person I knew. In the meantime, I will be lighting a candle and saying a prayer for him/his spirit in the afterlife, at a place I know he would love, because it is open and free.

My utmost condolences to all his family and friends. If any of you wishes to speak with me regarding my relationship with Preston, I would be more than glad to speak with you.

Please keep me informed as to the celebration of life as I would like to take part.


Patrick, November 1, 2024

Preston's family

Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I met Preston when we were both students at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in the mid 1980s. We became fast friends and were quite close for a short time. He was a bright, talented and compassionate man. I regret that I lost touch with him over the years. Rest in peace.

Rob Scott, December 16, 2024