Surviving AIDS and prejudice and creating a safe haven for LGBTQ refugees. This is Yves Brunet's mission and the subject of our next virtual public discussion as part of the "Let's talk about it" series. "an initiative of the Ottawa Funeral Cooperative.
This discussion follows an interview with Mr. Brunet that was broadcast on Rogers' French channel.
To participate in the discussion with Yves Brunet, write to and get a link to the discussion that will take place via Zoom, on November 11, 2020 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
For those who will not have (re)seen the original interview, please note that the meeting will include the viewing of the interview starting at 1:40 pm. Those who have already seen it, will be able to join the discussion at 2:10 pm.
Cliquez ici pour revoir l’entrevue originale