Part 4 – Utilities, Memberships, banking and financial
Welcome Back ! Today’s subject has many sections to cover so take all the time you need to collect the information.
By this point you may have wondered why we talk about putting everything down on paper? Remember, when you pass away your loved ones will most likely be looking for physical paper documentation of the information they need. Not everyone keeps computerized records, nor has the capability of tracking their life that way. Your loved ones will be going through an emotional time and we are trying to make accessing all of your information as easy as possible for them. Have you purchased that accordion file yet?
If you live in your own home or apartment there most certainly are utilities and bills that you pay. There could even be things like a lawncare company, newspaper subscriptions or even memberships to clubs. Many of these we access and pay online and every one of them requires a password and those that we pay online require our banking information.
If you live in a retirement residence for instance, there may be less of these things…but that will simplify this week’s homework for you. Your place of residence may even have a Landlord or Condo Association and a parking space allotted to it.
This week let’s concentrate on things like: Utilities, bills, memberships and all the financial information associated to them.
Use my example for each bill. I’ve created a list of possibilities of Payees but you may have more or less. The best thing to do would be to take a copy of the latest bill and attached a paper with the information required for that bill.
The best place to keep all of these documents in is your accordion file with the heading Utilities & service Providers.
General Accounts:
- Your email address & password
- Facebook / Instagram / Twitter etc – Username and passwords
- Your computer log-in information
EXAMPLE - Electricity / Hydro Provider:
Phone number
Account #
Online User name & Password
Pre-authorized payments? Or Pay upon receipt at bank or by cheque?
Examples of possible Payees :
Television / Internet
Electricity / Hydro / Water / Oil / Gas
Telephone / Cellular phone
Home security
Yard Care / Snow removal
Newspapers / Magazines
Clubs (golf, gym, car wash club etc)
Banking and Financial:
Your Financial Institution (s)
- Address & Phone #
- Do you have a Contact there?
- Online banking password?
- Account # / Account type / is it joint with anyone?
- Safety Deposit Box?
Do you have a loan? Line of Credit?
- With What Company / Phone # / Account #
Do you have a Credit Card?
- Company / Name on card / Card # & Expiration date / Online user ID & password
Investments and Other: RSPs / RRIFs / Stocks / Savings Bonds / Pensions
- With what Firm or Bank?
- What kind of account?
- Account # / PIN # or password
- Is there a beneficiary?
Real Estate / If you own your home or have other property (ies)
Primary Residence:
- Address
- Do you have a mortgage? With Whom (and their information)
Property Tax information:
- Municipality / Roll #
Other property:
- Address
- Include the same type of information as your Primary Residence
- Do you have a Tenant there? Include their contact information
I know this seems like a daunting task but just take your time. Make a list of your own, keep it handy and cross off the items as you record the information. You may even have things to add to the list that I didn’t mention.
When you’re done you’ll feel less overwhelmed and more empowered at all you’ve accomplished!
Please come back to read Part 5 on May 2nd