75 results for the category "Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa"
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Having a meaningful conversaton about funeral planning - Zoom presentations for May dates and times have been announced. See below
MoreInterview by Managing Funeral Director, Lisa Wilson and Rogers TV “Operation Support Local” personality Derick Fage – they discuss the funeral industry during Covid pandemic and what the Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa has to offer
More"Pour vous aider dans la planification de services funéraires"
mardi le 6 avril à 13:00 hres
mardi le 20 avril à 17:00 hres
MoreFREE Zoom presentations for April 2021 !
Thursday April 1st at 11am
Sunday April 11th at 1pm
Tuesday April 27th at 3pm
MoreCongratulations to the winners of our Gifts of Thanks !
The Membership Drive brought us over 65 new members ...Welcome to you all !